2024 April 2 How do you stop a background process?
2023 November 15 How can we pass a std::source_location as a template argument?
2023 June 7 Thread-local globals
2021 October 22 The trouble with CMake configurations
2021 October 15 A general build model for C++
2021 October 14 C++ build hell
2021 September 1 How to run a Windows container from a Windows 10 virtual machine
2021 July 13 How I debugged my Audioengine HD3 speakers in Linux
2021 March 22 Balanced functions in C++
2021 January 4 What I learned by fixing my pool heater
2020 December 7 Python metaclasses
2020 November 5 Verifiable elections
2020 February 10 How to initialize a Docker container without building an image
2019 July 9 What I learned making a Docker container for building C++ on Windows
2019 July 1 Ad hoc polymorphism in Python
2019 June 27 Trying Conan with Modern CMake: Packaging
2019 June 5 What is a binary software package?
2019 May 22 Trying Conan with Modern CMake: Dependencies
2019 May 13 Python on Rails
2019 May 2 Why is it so hard to write a scaffolding tool?
2019 April 24 Cookiecutter vs Yeoman
2019 April 9 Endianness
2019 March 22 Understanding GitLab Runner
2019 January 18 A gentle introduction to scripting Amazon EC2
2019 January 9 Escaping pipeline hell
2019 January 7 The evolution of asynchronous programming in JavaScript
2018 December 26 How to use an ignore file with tree
2018 July 22 Fact-checking Andrew Yang on Universal Basic Income
2013 January 19 The case for performance-enhancing drugs
2013 January 15 QuickCheck for C++
2012 November 7 Building libc++ on Mac OS X 10.6
2012 August 18 Sculpting a document
2012 August 18 Efficient closures in JavaScript
2012 April 26 Error-handling in JavaScript
2012 April 25 Disqus with Markdown
2012 April 22 Moved to Jekyll
2012 March 23 Template inheritance for Handlebars
2012 March 21 The merits of inline documentation